Cinderella 99
Cinderella 99 is a superb day time smoke that will motivate the mind and generate inspiring ideas. She brings of euphoric, energetic, happy, uplifting, and relaxing effects when smoked. Her flowers also offer great scents and flavours of sweet, tropical fruit, mixed with some smelly cheese.
Cinderella 99 grows to medium heights and stays manageable. She’s a favorite of many indoor growers around the world. Easy to grow, great yields and always a good end product. Flowering time of Cinderella 99 is 8-9 weeks and has a short stature, making it an ideal weed strain for indoor cultivation. The plant generally appears green and produces dense, rich, and sticky buds that require a sharp grinder or scissors to break. Buds are medium green and produce pollen-hungry brassy orange pistils that curl and twist among the sugar leaves. Many glistening crystals decorate the bud, making it shine like a diamond when observed under a light.
Cinderella 99 cannabis strain is famous among many growers for its generous yields, the ideal height for indoor cultivation, and short growing periods. Additionally, the weed strain requires low maintenance and has high resistance to diseases such as molds, mildew, and pests. However, it should be constantly monitored and the ideal growth conditions maintained. Both hydroponics and soil-growth methods can be used, and the plant is expected to flower and mature in 7-9 weeks. It is ready for harvesting in late September and early October, yielding 35 ounces per plant outdoors and 16 ounces per square meter indoors.